Joost Seijnaeve


Joost Seijnaeve

VP Portfolio Management Industry & Consumer - imec


Joost has 25+ years of experience in the semiconductor industry, taking different roles from design up to leading a full business line. After graduating, Joost began his career at imec in the image sensor group.  Five years later, he was part of, and one of the founders of the spin-off company Fillfactory.  After a succesful sale of Fillfactory in 2004, Joost have been working for other semiconductor companies such as Cypress Semiconductor, OnSemi, ams Osram, and since mid of 2024 back at imec. 

Throughout his career, Joost has held various key roles, from Image Sensor Architect to business development and strategic marketing up to GM of a full business line. It is in this last role at ams Osram that he had to drive several product lines with new innovations for which he had to build strategies and had P&L responsibilities.

Since middle of 2024 Joost is back at imec, where he has an overarching portfolio manager role within the Industrial and consumer division, converting innovation ideas towards a business strategy.  At imec, he goes back to the roots of innovations in which his contributions go beyond the technical aspects. He is also known for mentoring the next generation of engineers and offering guidance on both the technical and strategic aspects of the business.