Abdul Rahim
Ecosystem Manager - PhotonDelta
Dr. Abdul Rahim is managing an ecosystem of over 70 organizations that comprise an end-to-end value chain for integrated photonics at PhotonDelta. As an integrated photonics evangelist, he actively tracks and analyzes emerging global technology trends in the field. Dr. Rahim earned his degree in innovation management and entrepreneurship from HEC Paris and a PhD in silicon photonics for optical communication from TU Berlin.
In his previous assignment, he managed ePIXfab, the European silicon photonics alliance From 2015 to 2024, successfully transforming it into a sustainable open alliance that promotes the advancement and application of silicon photonics science and technology.
Since 2020, Dr. Rahim has served as co-leader for the silicon photonics chapter of the Integrated Photonics Systems Roadmap - International, contributing to strategic developments in the field. He was selected by Electro Optics as one of the Photonics100 for the year 2024.