Taking quantum bits from lab to advanced CMOS manufacturing fab: a tale of the good, the bad and the ugly

Grand Ballroom West - 3F
15:05 - 15:25


Future fault-tolerant quantum computers will require many high-quality quantum bits to work in synchrony to be able to deliver on the promises of the technology. While some of the very best quantum bits and small-scale quantum computing chips are these days manufactured in dedicated laboratories derived from pioneering university research, it is expected that the stringent requirements on yield and performance necessitate a transition to more advanced manufacturing methods. While CMOS manufacturing is capable of yielding trillions of high-performance classical components, the sensitivity of quantum bits makes a direct translation of classical fabrication methods difficult. In this talk, I will discuss the progress that imec has made in taking quantum bits from lab to fab in the past years, including worldwide first demonstrations of ultra-low noise, high yield, high fidelity quantum bits in the 300 mm pilot line facilities of imec.