Photograph of Wim Vandenberghe


Wim Vandenberghe

Expert C-ITS and CCAM - Flemish Agency for Roads and Traffic


Wim Vandenberghe - Expert C-ITS and CCAM, Flemish Agency for Roads and Traffic

Dr. Wim Vandenberghe is passionate about ITS, and especially about Cooperative ITS (C-ITS) and Cooperative Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM). This combination of ICT and automotive technology struck the right chord years ago, resulting in an unabated excitement for the domain ever since. It all started in 2007 with a doctoral study regarding advanced network solutions for ITS at the Ghent University / imec. After obtaining his PhD degree in 2012, Wim went to the private sector in 2014 to help bring commercial C-ITS solutions to the field, as a project manager at Be-Mobile. And the third phase in his trajectory was to join the public sector in 2017 to support C-ITS and CCAM deployment activities, both for the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, and for the Flemish Agency for Roads and Traffic. This mix of experiences, each with their own accent and environment, provided him with a unique skill set and insights in the different aspects of C-ITS and CCAM. These characteristics, together with a high level of enthusiasm, form the foundation of his drive to bring every project that he joined to the next level. This includes projects such as 5G-Blueprint (of which he was the coordinator), Mobilidata, Talking Traffic, C-Roads, Data Task Force, Spookfiles A58, NextGenITS, Fed4FIRE, etc.