Mark Papermaster - AMD


CTO & EVP of Technology and Engineering - AMD

Energy efficiency: The grand challenge to scale computing
Worldwide data center deployments have grown from about 500,000 in 2012 to more than 8 million today, according to IDC.  While much has been done to improve server and data center efficiency, the power per server processor has been simultaneously increasing from about 100W to over 400W in some cases. This combination of data center growth and higher power processors is driving the worldwide energy footprint of computation relentlessly upward, with the trend being expected by many to exceed the capacity of the worldwide energy supply. The recent rapid growth of energy demand from large language model AI and machine learning application deployment will be gated by energy availability, underscoring the urgent need for innovative solutions.

AMD is a semiconductor leader with the industry's broadest portfolio of high-performance and adaptive processor technologies, deployed to unravel the secrets of the universe and unlock the power of the genome. This requires various combinations of CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, DPUs, Adaptive SoCs as well as deep software expertise, all optimized to create sustainable and energy efficient solutions.

In his talk, AMD CTO and Executive Vice President of Technology and Engineering Mark Papermaster will share details on architectural innovations, packaging advances and algorithmic improvements to compute that deliver high-performance and energy-efficient computing solutions to significantly reduce power consumption in the data center, cloud, edge, and end devices.