Emily Gallagher - imec


Abstract: Towards NETZERO for the IC industry
Semiconductor technology is essential for enabling a sustainable future, but it also poses significant environmental challenges, such as high emissions, water use, resource depletion, and e-waste. Imec's Sustainable Semiconductor Technologies and Systems (SSTS) program aims to address these challenges by reducing the environmental impact of fab processes. In this presentation, you will discover how imec leverages its unique position in the semiconductor ecosystem to collect and analyze data, establish methodological standards, and share emissions information. You will also learn about the three pillars of SSTS: assess, improve, and disrupt, which guide imec's research and innovation efforts to make high impact processes more sustainable and to explore new technologies that could bring substantial sustainability improvements. Finally, you will hear about some of the success stories and collaborations that imec has initiated with industry partners to foster the adoption of sustainable manufacturing across the IC value chain.