Marc Meuris - CTO, EnFoil
Marc Meuris - CTO, EnFoil
Marc Meuris received the M.S. degree in physics and the Ph.D. degree in physics from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, respectively in 1983 and 1990. In 1984, he started in imec, Leuven. He did his Ph.D. study on Secondary Ion-Mass Spectroscopy in the analysis group, headed by Wilfried Vandervorst. From 1990 to 1997, he was within the group of Marc Heyns on cleaning technology for improving the gate oxide integrity, resulting in the development of the IMEC Clean as a pre-gate and pre-diffusion clean for CMOS processing. From 1997 to 2002, he was the CMP Group Leader at imec. In 2002, he became Technical Advisor of imec CMOS projects for collaborations with Flemish industry. In 2003, he became the Program Manager of the Ge III-V program at imec, focusing on Ge and III–V materials for scaling CMOS devices with high-mobility materials. In 2010 he moved as a program manager to the Photovoltaic department of Jef Poortmans to start up the PV Novel Materials team, which also includes CIGS and alternative inorganic materials for Thin Film PV. In 2013, due to its focus on advanced material research, the team moved to imomec (the associated laboratory of imec at Hasselt University). This TFPV program of imec/imomec is part of Solliance, the TFPV alliance in the ELAt region. Since 2016, the R&D domain of Marc Meuris is focusing on the technology development for cost effective IPV (Integrated PV) solutions in many different applications. This topic is developed in collaboration with EnergyVille and Solliance. In 2022, he started a company, EnFoil, a spinoff from imec, UHasselt and TNO, together with his co-founder Dominique Coster. EnFoil is producing flexible PV foils for integrated PV, based on flexible CIGS cells. M. Meuris authored and co-authored more than 500 scientific publications and as an inventor holds more than 50 patents.